Cecilia Springer-White

Cecilia Springer-White – Affectionately known as “Joyce”, Late of Bright Hill No. 1, St. Patricks, Christ Church, entered into eternal rest. Sunrise: 6th December 1933- Sunset: 10th October 2021

Widow of Livingstone White
Mother of Michael Springer
Adoptive mother of Betty Brathwaite
Grandmother of Kayden Avery Springer. 

Adoptive Grandmother of Shane and Shanelle Brathwaite.
Sister of Agnes Archer, O’neta and Sedley Springer and the late Olive Thompson, Chelston Lyte, Patricia Layne and Eustace, Wilfred and Doreen Springer. 

Beloved Aunt of many. Mother-in-law of Colvin Brathwaite and Dionne Glasgow. Relative of the Springer, Archer, Brathwaite, Layne and Thompson families.

Member of the St. Patrick’s Anglican Church Mother’s Union, Church Army and Choir.

The Funeral of the Late of Cecilia Springer-White leaves Bryans Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael on Thursday, 4th November, 2021 at 1.30pm for the St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, St Patricks, Christ Church for a Service of thanksgiving and interment at 3:00pm. Viewing will take place in the Michael Bryan Memorial Chapel, Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael on Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021 from 3:00pm – 5:00 pm

Please note that due to Government of Barbados Covid 19 Protocols attendance at this service shall be limited to INVITED relatives and friends. 

All other mourners are kindly asked to participate via Live Streaming at https://viewthis.live/CeciliaWhite

All COVID-19 Government health protocols will be in full effect.

Flowers | Balloon Parting | Elegy | Music Therapy | Memorial Candle | Musical Tribute