Elvis Ricardo Glasgow

Elvis Ricardo Glasgow – affectionately called “Hussie”, “Elli”, “Glassi”, or “Ozzie”, of Green Hill, St. Michael, and formerly of Rosegate, St. John and Factory Avenue, Wildey, St. Michael.
Employee of Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds.
Son of Eulaleen Glasgow and the late Keith Roach.
Fiance of Shirley-Ann Leon.
Father of Chad and Kemo Glasgow, Ramanio Leon-Taitt and Kiebari Browne.
Grandfather of Ja’kari and Avisia.
Brother of Debbie-Ann Glasgow, Pauline Elliott and Dr. Rouse.
Son-in-law of Agatha Leon.
Relative of the Carter, Pollard, Howard and Roach families (St. Thomas).
The funeral leaves Clyde B. Jones Funeral Home, Top Rock, Christ Church on Tuesday 26th October 2021 at 12:15pm for the St. Matthias Anglican Church, St. Matthias, Christ Church, where invited mourners will meet for a service of thanksgiving at 2:00pm.
A private cremation will take place at a later date.
No flowers by special request. No mourning colours by special request.
Online condolences and Live video stream at www.clydebjonesfuneralhome.com