Harriet Yearwood

Harriet Juanita Yearwood, of Peterses Road, Josey Hill, St. Lucy, entered peacefully into rest at age 56 years.
Sunrise: December 3rd 1965 – Sunset: December 14th 2021, Former employee of Republic Bank (Barbados) Ltd and Class of 83-84 (St. Lucy Secondary School)

Long-Time Companion of Richard Headley.
Daughter of Vernese Yearwood and Lewis Boyce.
Mother of Adriana and Antonio Yearwood.
Grandmother of Aiden Yearwood.
Sister of Leonard, Rudolph and Kaleen Yearwood and the late Eugene Yearwood, Corren Boyce and others.
Adoptive Sister of Donna Foster.
Aunt of Pamelita, Sonia, Tamesha, Rico, Tio, Tempestt, Tre, Rimario, Shasha, Kala, Kalen and many others.
Great–Aunt of Jah-niya and many others.
Sister-in-law of Rosemary Yearwood.
Relative of the Boyce and Yearwood families.
Friend of Margo, Yvette and Hyacinth Griffith, Roger Babb, Shirlene Watson-Dottin, Renata Goodman, Arleia Brown, Donna Blades, Yvette Bridgeman, Ian Greaves, the staff of Republic Bank (Barbados) Ltd Limegrove, the class of 83/84(St. Lucy Secondary School), the late Marlene Baker and many others.
The funeral of the late Harriet Juanita Yearwood leaves Earl’s Funeral Home, Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy, on Tuesday January 11th 2022 at 1:45 p.m. for St. Clements Anglican Church, Near Lowlands, St. Lucy where relatives and friends are asked to meet for the Service of Thanksgiving and the interment at 3:45 p.m.
There will be a collection in aid of the Barbados Cancer Support Service, The organist is kindly asked to attend.
Live Streaming can be viewed via https://watch.earlsfuneralhome.com/HarrietYearwood
Floral tributes may be sent to Earl’s Funeral Home no later than 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
All Covid-19 protocols will be in effect, with a maximum of 25 persons allowed to be in attendance.