Terrick Jawara Ricardo Howard

Terrick Jawara Ricardo Howard, also known as “Saby”, age 27, of Country Towers, Country Road, St. Michael.

Son of Marcia Goodman and Carl Howard.
Father of Naja Howard.
Step-son of Trevor Burnham and Carol Reid-Howard.
Grandson of Sheila Goodman, Lorenzo Bishop and the late Julia Harding.
Brother of Tarek Goodman, Terry and Terrica Green and Jamal Howard.
Step-brother of André Hope.
Nephew of Maureen, Phillip and Judy Goodman, Caroline Thorne, Cynthia Howard, Sonia Boyce-Clarke, Sylvester and Anderson Boyce, the late Jacqueline, Junior and Dwayne Harding and Gloria Goodman.
Great-nephew of George (U.K.), Verna, Richard and Bernard Goodman, Antonia and Hal Howard.
Uncle of Terricia Jospeh, Takera and Tareisha Goodman, Talicia Elibox and Terrico Goodman.
Cousin of Tricia, Fianna, Jabari, Adio, Ameena, Ameera and Romario Goodman, Fana Branch, Asha and Akeel Gill, Damia CHandler, Shanice Howard, Kamesha Browne and many others.
Relative of the Howard and Goodman families.
Friend of Nicole Dawson, Akeem Jack and many others.
The funeral of the late Terrick Jawara Ricardo Howard leaves Earl’s Funeral Home, Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy, on Friday, January 14th at 12 noon for Ebenezer Gospel Tabernacle, Cnr. 2nd Ave. New Orleans and Westbury Road, St. Michael where relatives and friends are asked to meet for the Service of Thanksgiving at 2:00 p.m.
The cortege will then proceed to Westbury Cemetery for the interment.
Live streaming can be viewed via the link https://watch.earlsfuneralhome.com/TerrickHoward
The body of the late Terrick Jawara Ricardo Howard will repose for viewing from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, in the Chapel of Lyndhurst Funeral Home, Passage Road, St. Michael.
Floral tributes may be sent to Earl’s Funeral Home no later than 11:30 a.m. on Friday.
All COVID-19 protocols will be in effect, with a maximum of 25 persons allowed to be in attendance.